Friday, September 10, 2010

Empty Room

Four walls,
Just one chair,
This empty room,
Window left open,
Now to sit and wait,
To leave all thoughts open,
Everyone likes to judge others,
But no one wants to be judged.

Leave it to me to fuck everything up,
Living a day at a time
Watching the storm heat up,
Disasters and full of blame,
Hard to resist
When you're prone to giving in,
Making mistakes
Like when we first met,
No one likes to be judged,
But sometimes someone needs to hear it.

You're the first to point the finger,
It's me, I'm always the one to blame,
Perceive and deceive,
You're always right
And I'm always wrong,
That's how it's supposed to be, right?
When one can't take it any more
He seeks other means
To fulfill that empty space in himself,
We're all to blame, aren't we?
Judging, always judging,
Don't worry, I know your vices too.

In this empty room,
Alone with these four walls
To guide me,
It's going to be a long night.

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