Saturday, September 19, 2009

Be Back Soon **UPDATE**

I guess I should have posted this right after my last blog (September 5), but I will say it now. I have decided to take September off (ha, as if this is a job). This has nothing to do with me being in school now or having lost interest in writing lyrics. Not one bit. The reason is quite simple. I believe it is best for me to get back to writing better lyrics instead of the not so good ones I have written in the past month or so. In order for me to get back to writing good lyrics, I need to take a break.
By October I will be back with a vengeance! *laughs* No, seriously, by October (or November, the latest) I will be back with better lyrics. I just feel that I am not writing to the best of my abilities right now. Incase you are wondering, I have A LOT of drafts (15) from the last 4 months not blogged yet.


UPDATE (OCTOBER 2): just wrote a LONG lyric. With singing (the pace, etc) it is 15 minutes long. yes, you read right. 15 minutes long. There will be changes made in the next few days, maybe weeks, but I doubt it will be less than 15 minutes.

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