Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Buckets of tears filling the streets,
The loneliness of an individual
Driving over the cliff,
Society is dying;
Living on the last breath,
The guilt eating us apart,
The desire to end this fear,
And our tears fill the streets.

The desire in our blood keeping us numb,
A civil war we don't know anything about,
This bad blood keeping us apart,
Of which and why we don't know anything about,
We're living on our last breath,
Hidden deep inside,
Our desires find no hope,
And our tears fill the streets.

Loss of love, loss of hope,
Loss of everything,
Our hearts filled with jealousy,
And we cannot look beyond,
This broken heart,
Killing us inside,
And we wonder why we stay the same,
No desire to change,
And our tears fill the streets.

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