Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunshine, Cerulean Skies

Alright, it has been several months or so since I have been working on my side project called, Sunrise Above The Mountain (same name as one of my earlier songs, but not deriving from same meaning - about who, what, etc). That said, I think it is time I blog atleast one of the seven lyrics/poems I have written so far. Seven may not seem as much but I have chosen from an abundance of lyrics/poems I have written since the beginning of the side project. Keep in mind that not all seven lyrics/poems talk about the same romantic (I guess I can call it so) theme.
I don't normally do this, but I will give you a brief idea of what I aimed in writing this lyric/poem, Sunshine, Cerulean Skies. My aim was to create a liberated, smooth tone and a fresh feeling of finding yourself. More of escaping the common ideas of what others think our lives, or the world for that matter, should be. I believe the word paradise helps us express our own unique sense of where we go to relax and be who we are. Paradise can be anything from being alone (if that is the case with the individual) to being with someone somewhere. Now, I am not suggesting or hinting that I am speaking of someone specific in the lyric/poem. That is not the case. However, I am trying to push forward a general idea of this so-called paradise place. That said, I am working on a part-two of this very lyric/poem. I have yet to start it, but I do have plenty of ideas and a certain style to write it in. Back to the term paradise. What is it? Similar to numerous words it can mean a lot to someone and at the same time it can mean nothing to someone else. It all depends on how the individual interprets it and how he or she wants to dwell on imagination. I am not saying that a paradise place does not exist. On the contrary, our paradise exists in our hearts, through our eyes and out in the open. All we need to do is find it - just like love. We may not see it or feel it at the moment, but it's there. It's just a matter of time.

Sunshine, Cerulean Skies:

The rhythm tonight,
I'll sweep you off your feet,
Lay you down on the beach,
Watch the waves crash
Against our feet,
The images emerge,
The seashells at our toes,
Let the rhythm take you tonight.

These clouds disappear,
Those mountains reaching the sky,
No darkness, no nightmares,
This is where we go
To escape the troubled world.

Let this skin feel the soft white sand,
This is our paradise,
And I'll keep sweeping you
Off your feet,
We'll tease one another,
We'll drink wine together,
The sun shines in our face,
Feel the rhythm tonight,
On the sands of the beach,
Let the waves crash against your feet.

This is where we go
To escape the troubled world,
It's us tonight,
Sit and star at the skies
While holding hands,
This is our Paradise.

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